This page is dedicated to LIFE, living it, loving it. I hope my words inspire you to think outside the box and I challenge you to do more each day than the day before. AND WHATEVER YOU DO..... NEVER GIVE UP
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year
As I look at 2010 I think about how far I have come. From my first 5K 1/1/2010 to my first 1/2 Marathon. Tomorrow marks my 1 year anniversary as a runner and I really get to measure myself. SAME RACE, SAME COURSE..... BUT I AM A DIFFERENT MAN.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
January 2010 - NOW
I have come along way this year. Hard to believe that I just ran a 1/2 marathon 2 days ago but I have the pain in my ankles and legs as a reminder. Last Thanksgiving I was so thankful to see another holiday and vowed that I would change my lifestyle and get healthy over the next 365 days. A year later I ran a 1/2 Marathon on Thanksgiving Day .
I am proud of myself for all the progress I have made. I have heard of going from couch potato to 5K but in 2010 I've gone from couch potato to 5K-10K and now I have earned my first medal . COUCH POTATO TO 1/2 MARATHON in 365 days.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Homecoming 2010 - A look in the Mirror
This past weekend was my high school homecoming. I had a chance to see and talk to alot of old friends and former teammates. Received several comments on my new slimmer look. And also got to look back at myself 15 years ago when I was high school senior 10 pounds lighter than i am right now. Out of shape and going through the motion'sof sports, school, life and growing up. Everyone wants to know why i do so much more. What happened from then to now? LOL i do it for the looks on your faces. I do it for the doubter's and naysayer's . I do this cause no one expected it of me. I do this for me
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Its official........
Its official.... My 100 POUND PLATEAU has been broken... 102 lbs lost and counting
Saturday, September 11, 2010
911 Never give up
Ran the Singleton 10 mile this morning. 10 miles!!!!! Wow.... My longest road race yet..... I knew it wouldn't be easy but I knew that if I REALLY want to be ready for the Atlanta Half Marathon my training has got to get picked up. So bye bye 5K and 10K..... 10 mile here I come.... Beautiful day outside, early start time, and great volunteers..... This should be fun. Mile 1 12:40, mile 2 25:31. Gut check at around 4 1/2 miles. Do the Singelton 5 mile or 10 mile?????Go Hard or go HOME. Looking up at the 5mile/10mile split I decide to stick with the 10. I glance up again and I see that I am the only person left doing 10 miler, the group of people I was just with were ALL 5milers... All I can think is "Dude you still weigh over 300 pounds... What am I doing?" Alone I continue on.... mile 6, mile 7, mile 8. My body aches , I am tired, I am thirsty. Course is empty now. The time keepers are gone.... Its just me, my ipod, the open road a few volunteers and the Dekalb County Police Department. Mile 9. Almost Home.... I am cramping, shedding a few tears also. Mile 10..... The finish.... 2 hours 27 min..... AND now the pain sets in...... NEVER GIVE UP
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Put me in coach.....
Just left doctor. Got a Cortisone shot in my left foot. It's crazy, all my years off football and I had 0 injuries NOW after losing near 100 pounds and running races these ailments POP up .... Life is crazy that way. Doc says I am good and I can continue to do what I do. So thumbs up for next weeks race on 9/11
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A new Challenge

OK...... Today I signed up for my 2 biggest races.... A 10 miler with the Atlanta Track Club in September and The Atlanta 1/2 Marathon. I haven't decided if the feeling I have right now is excitement or nervousness. I have come a very very long way..... From a athlete in my youth to couch potato to weighing over 400lbs (yeah I said it 2007-08) now I got my mojo back and I am doing more than I could have ever imagined. Cant wait to see how far I have come.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Early start time of 7:30 got us on and off the race course before this summer heat took over. Great turn out + Great volunteers = Great race. Finish time today of 43:04. Shed 5 min off my last 5K and posted my fastest finish. 780 calories burned 5700 steps taken. Great Day...Feeling good and very very pleased
Sunday, August 8, 2010
1 to GO
1 pound away from 100 total pounds lost. Every workout counts, this is a HUGE HUGE week for me.
Monday, August 2, 2010
What is more important.... How YOU LOOK OR HOW YOU FEEL. For some of my journey I found myself obsessed with the scale. Weighing twice a day. Since then I have cut it to 2 sometimes 3 days a week... Should I be caring more about the #'s the scale show..... Or the fact that my blood pressure is back to normal. At the age of 32 I am about 25 pounds heavier than I was in the 12th grade. I have tossed out several outfits because they are just TOO BIG now. So what I am saying now is GOOD BYE scale and hello to looking good, feeling great and staying MOTIVATED.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Over all a good day
35 min of weight training followed by a 2 mile walk/jog finish strong with 20 min on Elliptical. End result 1057 calories burned. Now off to work I go
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
AWWWWWWWWWWW the weekend
Its the weekend and I think I will just have a lazy saturday... Need some R &R
Thursday, July 22, 2010
What a difference a year makes
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Circuit Training 101
Circuit training is a combination of high-intensity aerobics and resistance training designed to be easy to follow and target fat loss, muscle building and heart fitness.
For the past 3 months I have added circuit training into my workouts. In 1/2 the time of my old workout I can work multiple body parts (most days I do fullbody) and burn more calories.
For the past 3 months I have added circuit training into my workouts. In 1/2 the time of my old workout I can work multiple body parts (most days I do fullbody) and burn more calories.
Work out
30 minutes weight training, 10 minutes on treadmill, 65 minutes on elliptical 935 calories burned.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The things people say
WOW! While disscusing my plans for the Atlanta Half Marathon ( a co-worker had the nerve to say "If you run why are you still so big." My reply..... "I've lost 92 lbs, here is my before picture (showed him my work ID..picture taken in '08)now what do you have to say?" Silence...... When the shocked looked left his face I challenged him to join me and run in a race with me (5k or 10k ) Guess I have to show him how it feels to get beat by a FAT GUY..... He declined.....
Monday, July 19, 2010
Great Workout today
30 min of weight training. 65 min on the Elliptical... Feel pretty good right now. Burned 820 calories according to my gowear fit ( Now its time to head to work and pay the bills.
Friday, July 2, 2010
How will you celebrate your INDEPENDENCE
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